quinta-feira, 23 de dezembro de 2021

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10 formas eficientes de promover o seu curso online para aumentar as vendas

10 Effective Ways to Promote Your Online Course to Increase Sales

Learn how you can use TikTok, email marketing, and video tutorials on YouTube to promote your online course

You have just finished your online course.

Now what?

One of the most important steps in launching an online course is marketing it to potential students.

There are many ways to promote your course, but these 10 ways have helped me scale my courses to 6-figures and I know it can do the same for you.

1. Create an Attractive Landing Page

Successful promotion of an online course starts with a well-designed, attractive landing page. This is where you present your course to the world. The goal of the landing page is to persuade people to take action and enroll in your course.

You have just one chance at making that first impression, so it’s important that you get it right! There are many things you can do on this page to convince visitors they should buy from you — from testimonials and photos of successful students to social media share buttons for LinkedIn and Facebook.

But before all those bells and whistles are added, there are three basic steps every course creator should take when designing their landing page:

  1. Create something simple yet eye-catching.
  2. Make sure everything works properly, including any links or videos.
  3. Use a professional design template or service.

A well-designed landing page will help you sell more courses and achieve your desired outcome.

2. Send Out Promotional Emails to Your List

One of the best ways to promote your online course is through your email list. You likely have a built-in audience who is interested in learning more about what you have to offer.

Create a promotional email that includes a brief description of your course, the benefits students will receive, and how much it costs. Be sure to include a CTA (call to action) that encourages readers to sign up for your course.

Don’t stop at 1 email though! Send out a series of emails over the course of a week or two to really drive home the benefits of your course.

If you have any existing blog posts about the topic of your course, be sure to include links to those posts in your promotional emails. This will help give readers more information about what you’re teaching and why they should sign up.

Also, include images in your emails to help capture readers’ attention and make your course look more enticing.

And lastly, always test different subject lines to see which ones get the best open rates. You want your email recipients to be so intrigued by your course that they can’t help but click on it!

3. Offer Bonuses for Enrolling Early

People love deals and they especially love deals that give them something extra if they sign up early or if they refer someone else who signs up early.

Offering bonuses is a great idea because it gives them an incentive for doing so and it also helps motivate others when they see their friend getting rewarded for referring other people as well.

For example, for those who sign up early or refer someone who signs up early. you can give them a discount on the price. Alternatively, you could give them an additional product.

Maybe if they are enrolling in your course, you have them get access to your premium version of it which includes more hours of material or something else that is different from the original course.

As long as it is something different, they will value this bonus more than the money.

This also does not take away from your original product or service because you are giving them an additional one that has a higher price point to begin with.

4. Share Customer Testimonials

When you’re promoting your online course, it can be really helpful to share customer testimonials.

This is a great way to promote your course because students will be able to see that other people have had success with the course and this could encourage them to join.

Here are 10 easy ways to successfully promote your online course using customer testimonials:

1. Share them on your website.

2. Add them to your course landing page.

3. Share them in your email marketing messages.

4. Tweet about them.

5. Post them on Facebook.

6. Add them to your LinkedIn profile.

7. Share them in blog posts.

8. Create a video testimonial.

9. Use them as social media ads.

10. Add them to your course sales page.

5. Create Short Form Content on Tiktok and Instagram

When it comes to promoting your online course, you need to think about where your target audience is spending their time.

If you’re not sure, do some research to find out. In most cases, you’ll find that your target audience is spending a lot of time on social media platforms like TikTok and Instagram.

That’s why it’s important to create short-form content that can be easily shared on these platforms.

This content should be catchy and interesting, and it should capture the attention of your target audience. If you can do this, you’ll be in a much better position to promote your course successfully.

So don’t hesitate to create short-form content on TikTok and Instagram. It can be a great way to promote your online course and help you reach your goals.

Create explainer videos

Another great way to promote your online course is by creating explainer videos on these platforms. These videos are a great way to introduce your course to potential students, and they can be a great way to explain the benefits of taking your course.

If you create an explainer video that is well-made and interesting, it can be a great way to promote your course online.

6. Create a Teaser Mini-Course

One of the best ways to promote your online course is to create a teaser mini-course. This will entice potential students and give them a taste of what they can expect from the full course.

It can also help increase conversion rates by giving people a chance to try out the material before signing up.

In addition, make sure to include a strong call to action (CTA) in your teaser mini-course. This will encourage people to sign up for the full course.

You can also use this opportunity to collect email addresses so that you can market to these potential students later on.

How Do I Create a Mini-Course?

There are lots of different ways to create a teaser mini-course. One of the easiest ways is to use a platform like Teachable or Udemy.

These platforms allow you to create a course quickly and easily, and they also provide a range of templates and tools that you can use.

Another way to create a teaser mini-course is to use already made video content. This can be a great way to give a sneak peak at the quality they can expect in the full course.

Finally, make sure to market your teaser mini-course extensively. This will help increase awareness and encourage more people to sign up.

You can promote your mini-course on social media, your website, and in your email marketing campaigns.

7. Host a Live Webinar Online

One of the best ways to promote your online course is to host a live webinar. A live webinar gives you the opportunity to show off your teaching skills while building rapport and trust with your potential buyers.

Here are some tips for hosting a successful webinar:

1. Keep it short and sweet; one hour tops.

2. Offer a free, recorded replay for those who can’t make the live session.

3. Let people know in advance how much time they have left at the beginning of the webinar.

4. Take questions from participants during break periods or at the end

5. Have a call-to-action at the end, such as to get more info check out my in-depth online course on my website.

By offering a free recorded replay to those who can’t make the webinar, you will increase attendance. Make sure people know how much time they have left so there are no surprises at the end of the hour. Let them know that if their question has not been answered by then it’s likely that you won’t be able to get to it. Have a call-to-action at the end of your webinar so people know what to do next.

Use these tips to help increase attendance and promote your online course.

8. Run Ads on Google

One of the simplest ways to get started promoting your course is by running ads on Google.

These can be targeted towards users who are already searching for certain topics, or keywords related to what you’re teaching in your online courses.

This allows them to find information about subjects they are currently looking into without having to go through a bunch of different websites to get what they need.

In addition, Google ads can also be targeted towards specific audiences who have already signed up for your email list or followed you on social media platforms such as Facebook and Instagram.

You can then create a paid advertisement that will appear in the search engine results page based on certain topics related to your course while reaching out directly to those who have already expressed an interest in your products and services.

You can also take advantage of Google’s remarketing feature, which will allow you to target previous website visitors with ads related to the pages they visited on your website or blog.

This creates a unique opportunity for marketers because it allows them to reach out and promote their products to people who have already demonstrated an interest in the topic, without having to resort to cold lead advertising through email or social media.

9. Publish a Course Promotion Video on Youtube

A course promotional video is a great way to let your potential students know all the benefits of taking your course.

Video is becoming one of the best marketing tools for online courses since they are highly engaging and easy to share with friends who might be interested in enrolling themselves.

A video can also help you explain information that goes beyond what words on a page can communicate.

When creating a course promotion video, keep the following in mind:

  • Keep it short: Most people won’t watch a long video, so make sure to capture your viewer’s attention within the first few seconds.
  • Make it interesting: Use creative visuals and storytelling to engage your audience.
  • Include testimonials: Let your past students express how much they have benefitted from taking the course.
  • Create a landing page for your video to drive more traffic and conversions

You can create an effective, professional-looking video for just $100 by using Canva or Adobe Spark Video.

Once your course promotion video is complete, be sure to publish it on your YouTube channel, website, and other social media platforms.

10. Write Blogs On Medium

One of the best ways to promote your online course is by writing blogs on Medium.

Medium is a platform that lets you write blogs and share them with the world. You can use Medium to promote your course by writing blogs about:

  • The problem that your online course solves
  • The benefits of taking your online course
  • How your online course is different from other courses
  • Success stories of students who have taken your online course
  • Testimonials from students
  • Excerpts from your online course

In order to have the best chance of being featured on Medium, you should do some research and find topics that are currently trending.

This will give you a better chance to get noticed by their curators, who actively look for fresh content to feature.

Increase Sales By Promoting Your Couse

You need to promote your course in some way to consistently bring in new students.

Now, you don’t have to use all 10 ways I mentioned above but just remember you have a lot of options. You can use social media, email marketing, video tutorials on YouTube, and more!

Choose the methods you think will be the best for you :)

Apresentando... John Lewis.


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